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Maintenance Reports

December Report

Thank you to our dedicated OCBC volunteers, including those noted below, for their help at various times since the last report:

Paul Fujimoto, Dick Fukuda, David Fusato, Nancy Hara, Dan Kaneko, Hideo Kawamura, Alan Maruyama, Dorothy Matsuoka, Aaron Nagayama, Taka Naguchi, Marion Nishimura, Frank Okamura, Janet Sakahara, Winston Shigenaga, and Steve Higashi

Some of our December accomplishments:

  • Removed trash from the Dale Street and Ball Road frontages.

  • Removed some weeds and hand-watered some of the greenery.

  • Located and disposed of items left on campus by unhoused individuals.

  • Disposed of pallets used as ladders by unhoused individuals.

  • Removed some excess foliage from selected bushes.

  • Checked operation of all toilets and faucets.

  • Trimmed several sago palms.

  • Disposed of the recycling shed.

  • Reset time clock controls for both lights and irrigation.

  • Removed leaves and debris from the courtyard.

  • Removed leaves and debris from the main parking lot several times.

  • Filled a dumpster with cuttings from the November campus cleanup.

  • Repaired some restroom water control devices.

  • The maintenance cart is still out for evaluation and repair.

  • Moved a no longer being used desk to replace the office manager’s too small desk which cleared a room for OCBC’s new recording studio.

  • Turned off all irrigation systems for the rainy season.

Join us on most Monday, Wednesday, and/or Friday mornings. We generally leave campus for personal pursuits at about 1:00 PM. Please wear an N95 mask and practice social distancing. Contact the office for more information.

In Gassho,
Jim Mitchell, 3rd VP, Maintenance

Year-End Report

OCBC has a knowledgeable and talented group that helps maintain the campus. Thank you to the volunteers that have conscientiously come out to help with the campus maintenance work this past year.

The following are some examples of tasks that were accomplished in 2021:

  • Adjusted, maintained, or replaced electrical outlets, switches, timers, and sensors.

  • Plumbing is an issue throughout the year. Malfunctioning faucets, toilets, drains and Sloan valve flush units were repaired as we were able this past year.

  • The campus landscaping requires substantial maintenance. There is a small group of people that have toiled diligently, and mostly cheerfully, to keep the trees, shrubs, and planters as presentable as possible given the circumstances.

  • We continued to maintain and repair the irrigation system around the campus.

  • Continued trash removal along with the interfaces of our campus with the outside world.

  • Replaced air-conditioning filters in the HVAC units of the social hall, Hondo and Kodo.

  • To remain in compliance with state rules and regulations, OCBC has obtained and will begin using, several containers (yellow) strictly for the disposal of food waste alone.

  • To remain in compliance with state rules and regulations, OCBC is working with the office manager to obtain a “green waste” container for grass cuttings, weeds, leaves, branches, plants, and anything else that is “natural” and not trash or food waste.

In addition, a limited annual church clean-up was held in early November. The Hondo and the Social Hall were given a good cleaning. Thank you to the organizations and people involved for a job well done.

In Gassho,
Jim Mitchell, 3rd VP, Maintenance