OCBC Buddhist Education Center
Take a Class. Read a Book. Meet Other Seekers.
Take a Class
OCBC’s Buddhist Education Center (BEC) offers in-person and Zoom classes for beginner, intermediate, and advanced students of Shin Buddhism.
Classes in English (Beginner)
Beginner classes aren’t just for beginners! In Buddhism, we aspire to cultivate a “Beginners Mind.” Beginner BEC classes will resume on Sundays when health conditions permit. In the meantime, we recommend checking online offers from the BCA and Everyday Buddhist.
Monthly Classes in Japanese (Intermediate)
Taught by Rev. Dr. Mutsumi Wondra in Japanese, these classes explore the Three Pure Land Sutras and Shinran Shonin's writings. Email us for more information.
Spring Ohigan Seminar (Advanced)
This year’s Spring Ohigan Seminar will be pre-recorded, and premiere on YouTube, Saturday, March 16, 2024, at 9:30 am. Our guest speaker is Dr. Nobuo Haneda from the Maida Center of Buddhism.
“The Core Issue in Shinran’s Teachings” — Spring 2024 Ohigan Seminar
Led by Dr. Nobuo Haneda of the Maida Center of Buddhism. Watch it on YouTube(Ohigan Seminar English 2024.03.16). The handout can be downloaded here.
“親鸞聖人の教えの核心: 二つの障り[即ち、心の障りと身の障り]の違い (Japanese) . YouTube で見る(Ohigan Seminar Japanese 2024.03.16). The handout can be downloaded here 2024 オレンジ郡仏教会お彼岸セミナー 3-16-24.pdf
The pre-recorded guest speaker for our hybrid Spring Ohigan Special Service on Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 10am will be Dr. Nobuo Haneda. He will speak in English in the Hondo and in Japanese in the Kodo. Here is the link to the YouTube Live-stream: Ohigan Special Service 2024.03.17
Sign-up for our BEC Announcements to get Ohigan, Book Club, and other notifications.
Fall Ohigan Seminar (Intermediate)
The 2022 Fall Ohigan Seminar takes place in September. This year’s guest speaker will be Rev. Henry Adams. Sign-up for our BEC Announcements to get Ohigan, Book Club, and other notifications.
Previous Classes
The Tragedy at Rajagriha and a Visit from the Compassionate Buddha — Fall 2022 Ohigan Seminar
Rev. Henry Adams presents the Contemplation Sutra and the Buddha's approach to dealing with family crises and injustice. Watch it on YouTube
“They First, Me Last”: The Bodhisattva’s Innermost Aspiration — Spring 2022 Ohigan Seminar
Led by Dr. Nobuo Haneda of the Maida Center of Buddhism. Watch it on YouTube. The handout can be downloaded here.
“衆生の救済を願うことが自分の救済”: 法蔵菩薩が自分の本願に救われる (Japanese). YouTube で見る.
Buddhist Values — Fall 2021 Ohigan Seminar
Rev. Harry Bridge presents "Buddhist Values." Watch it on YouTube.
The World of Dharma-Friends — Spring 2021 Ohigan Seminar
Dr. Nobuo Haneda, from the Maida Center of Buddhism, discusses “The Pure Land” as a symbol of the World of Dharma-Friends. Watch it on YouTube. The handout can be downloaded here.
Discuss the Dharma
Book club meets most months on the 2nd Tuesday at 6:00 PM via Zoom
Book Club
We welcome anyone interested in reading and discussing non-fictional and fictional books about Buddhist history, perspectives on Buddhist principles, or stories with Buddhist themes. We meet the second Tuesday of each month on Zoom. Join the BEC mailing list to get the Zoom link.
OCBC Recommended Books
Let This Be Known
Finding the Shin Buddhist Path
By James Pollard
“Shinran’s teaching challenges our conventional views and prejudices, just as it upended the religious assumptions of his day. Amid the instability of 21st century America, could the Dharma gateway of Shin Buddhism have opened again?”
Discovering Buddhism in Everyday Life
By Marvin Harada
“Buddhism is all around us, if we have the eyes to see it, the ears to hear it, and the heart to feel it… I think that Buddhism, the truth of the Dharma, lies nowhere other than right in front of my own eyes.”
Awaken to Your
By Hideo Yonezwa
Translated by Marvin Harada
“Shinjin is an expression of the realization that your life, which is limited and finite, has a place within the infinite. As I strive to express what shinjin is, I have tried to make it my own, which is a most difficult thing.”
American Sutra: A Story of Faith and Freedom in the Second World War
By Duncan Ryuken Williams
“Raises timely and important questions about what religious freedom in America truly means.”
Buddhist Education Center Publications
The BEC publishes select works from a diverse group of voices.
Buddhism On Air: Televised Kaleidoscope of a Growing Religion
“While life is, indeed, a bumpy road, with our sincere effort we all awaken to the shining jewel within us, as well as those jewels that surround and embrace us. And when you do, Yes, life is, indeed, great!” — Kenneth Kenshin Tanaka
Teriyaki Priest: Tales from the Realm of Gratitude
“I find that as I grow older, I appreciate the fullness of what I am given, from the laughter of my children to the sound of my bones creaking in the morning as I awake. I am still alive! This realm of gratitude is the life of Nembutsu.” — Jerry Hirano
Encounter: Memoir of Orai Sensei as a Buddhist Minister in Canada
“Our religion has been asking us, now that we are born into human life, why are we here? This must be our lifelong question, and I believe it is a universal question. What is your answer? Did you forget, or don’t you know?” — Orai FujikawaBuy on Lulu
The Power to Live and Die: Poems and Reflections on Buddha-dharma and Jodo Shinshu
“We may find it hard to cast aside this world, even though it is filled with sorrows. Still, Amida Buddha calls to us, 'You may die just as you are. Don't worry...' And his boundless compassion continues its work for us.” — Chikō Iwagami
Discovering Buddhism in Everyday Life
“Buddhism is all around us, if we have the eyes to see it, the ears to hear it, and the heart to feel it… I think that Buddhism, the truth of the Dharma, lies nowhere other than right in front of my own eyes.” — Marvin Harada
Awaken to Your True Self: The Shin Buddhist Way of Life
“Shinjin is an expression of the realization that your life, which is limited and finite, has a place within the infinite. As I strive to express what shinjin is, I have tried to make it my own, which is a most difficult thing.” — Hideo Yonezawa
Let This Be Known: Finding the Shin Buddhist Path
“Shinran’s teaching challenges our conventional views and prejudices, just as it upended the religious assumptions of his day. Amid the instability of 21st century America, could the Dharma gateway of Shin Buddhism have opened again?” — James Pollard
The Awareness of Self: A Guide to the Understanding of Shin Buddhism
“What is critically important is that the teachings radically transform our way of thinking and living so that we become true individuals: strong in crisis, humble in success, tender in our feelings, and grateful at all times.” — Gyodo Haguri
Previous Book Club Selections
Weekly Wheel Podcast
The Weekly Wheel Podcast provides guided meditation, chanting, and brief Dharma messages that you can listen to wherever you go. Podcast episodes are hosted by our ministers and minister assistants.