ABA News - January 2022
We find ourselves in the midst of the busy holiday season. I am reminded of my mom’s words, “Kotsu Kotsu Yarimasho.” Roughly translated, it means, “Step by Step. Let’s get it done.” When I get caught up in our busy schedules, I tend to procrastinate and put off something which would get done quicker if I just “did it.” My mom was a piece worker who sewed together pre-cut pieces for a manufacturer. I’m sure she often thought of the phrase, “kotsu kotsu.” (It was interesting when she sewed some items for Frederick’s of Hollywood…. But that’s another topic for another time.) It’s like the tortoise vs. the hare. It’s like the 3 Little Pigs. If you think about it, the concept of “kotsu kotsu” is everywhere!
ABA members are looking towards the new year, hoping that we will do more things and create new memories. Speaking of memories: we owe a debt of gratitude to our outgoing president, Margie Mio, for the SEVEN years worth of memories she served, working “kotsu kotsu” at our helm. Taking over for her will be Co-Presidents Karen Kino and Janet Uyeno! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Installations will take place in January for the ABA officers who are as follows:
Co-Presidents: Karen Kino and Janet Uyeno
Treasurer: Roy Onishi
Auditor: Art Mio
Religious Activities: Ed Kato
Activities: Sue Endo, Karen Kino, Chieko Miyake
Recording Secretary: Joyce Kato
Corresponding Secretary: Joan Tani
Publicity/Historian: Jeanne Kumagai
Membership: Edie Gulrich
And…as we are on the subject of membership: Have you paid your dues yet? Please mail them to Roy Onishi. Our Japan trip has been canceled due to the situation in Japan for now. We are hoping that we can have it rescheduled for later in 2022. Thanks to Glen Morita and George Miyake for their efforts in keeping us informed, safe, and hopeful. Happy Holidays and every good wish for the New Year!
With Gassho,
Jeanne Kumagai
For any questions about ABA or its activities, please email us at aba@orangecountybuddhist.org.